Erasmus+ „Up2DigiSchool - A viable pedagogical approach for digital school education based on the experience of Up2U“ No. 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000027868 (2022025)
Kaunas Region Education center is a partner in the Erasmus+ project „Up2DigiSchool - A viable pedagogical approach for digital school education based on the experience of Up2U“ No. 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000027868.
Project coordinator - INSTYTUT CHEMII BIOORGANICZNEJ POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, ul. Z. Noskowskiego 12-14, 61-704 Poznan, Poland (PSNC)
Project partners: KAUNO RAJONO SVIETIMO CENTRAS, Saules str. 12 LT-50239 Kaunas, Lithuania (KRSC), ELLINOGERMANIKI AGOGI SCHOLI PANAGEA SAVVA, Dimitriou Panagea Str 15351 Pallini, Greece (AE), KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, K Donelaicio 73 44249 Kaunas, Lithuania (KTU), NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Heroon Polytechniou 9 Zographou Campus 000 15780 Athina, Greece (NTUA), UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA LA SAPIENZA, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 00185 Roma, Italy (UROMA).
Up2DigiSchool project aims at improving online teaching and learning using innovative technologies and didactics and enhancing teachers’ competences in relation to technology-based teaching and learning in formal education.
Specific objectives are:
1. provide teachers with innovative teacher training material to enable them to work within the online context;
2. supply teachers with Moodle-based e-learning environments to provide a set of interesting tools and pedagogical approaches that can be easily adapted to the standardized curriculum of formal education and can make the learning process friendlier for students ;
3. encourage teachers to incorporate new technologies into their classrooms and develop professional engagement and a positive attitude toward the implementation of distance learning.
The main project results will be:
1. Designing a survey about existing e-learning platforms in school education.
2. Learning Scenarios Repository..
3. E-learning platform.
4. Teacher training program
5. Self-paced MOOC.
6. The execution of the pilots..
Project implementation period: from 2022-02-01 till 2025-02-01.