

Kaunas Region Third Age University is a partner in the Erasmus+ project “Hybrid Learning Methodology for Andragogues” (HyLearn ) No. 2022-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000086565
The project coordinator - Human  Resources Development 
Project partners: GrowthCoop (Spain), https://www.growthcoop.eu/; Stowarzyszenie SEDA (Poland), https://seda.org.pl/en/; Kauno rajono trečiojo amžiaus universitetas, (Lithuania),
HyLearn project aims at empowering adult educators who mostly work in F2F learning environments, to create and implement hybrid learning (HL) practices supported with virtual assistant.
Specific objectives are:
1.To enhance adult educators skills related to the design and implementation of HL practices. 2.To boost adult educators' awareness and digital skills to design courses using HL methodology. 3.To improve adult educators experience in HL supported with virtual assistant (VA).
The main project results will be:
1. Compendium on hybrid learning (HL) practices.
2. Hybrid learning methodology for educators.
3. Framework for virtual assistance in HL, Re-designed modules.
Project implementation period: from 2022-12-31 till 2024-12-30.
Project website: will be updated later.